Who is the most heroic character in anime? Vote in the poll at right. There was a tie for tenth place in the second round, so there are 21 finalists.
Author: Don
Sorting it all out
Traditional choreography is a branch of computer science. For example:
More algorithms are illustrated here.
What does a sorting algorithm sound like? Something like this:
Miscellaneous notes
The server that hosts my websites, while never exactly snappy, has become downright sluggish lately. By a curious coincidence, I just got an email from the hosting service asking if my website has been “running slow” and announcing “a more powerful hosting solution for your website!” I think this is my cue to look for another host. Any recommendations?
Grr. It looks like I may need to take another look at Gosick. I may also need to watch the rest of Dog Days.
One reason I haven’t been keeping up with current series is that I’ve been more inclined to read books than watch anime recently. ((Another is that it’s too damn hot to do anything; at 7 p.m., it was 101°F outside, and I need to direct the breeze from the air conditioner directly onto the computer to keep it from overheating.)) (This gets frustrating. My eyes get tired after a while, and it takes a half-hour before I can focus on anything again. ((Supposedly, staring at a computer monitor for hours on end is bad for your eyes, but I haven’t ever noticed any problems. (Of course, I’m already very nearsighted and astigmatic.) Reading words on dead tree is another matter.)) ) I suppose I should watch Ano Hi Mita Hana with the Sesquipedelian Name — I saw the first episode and was not hooked, but I gather it’s worth slogging through — but I don’t know when I’ll get to it. Right now, I’m more interested in Florence King and Tim Powers.
So why have I watched more than a dozen episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? Ack.
In case anyone reading this is in the area: I plan to spend some time the weekend of July 8-10 at Anime Festival Wichita. You can find me there behind a camera.
Three impossible things
So there might be a live-action Noir? If it’s made, I expect it will be a botch, and I doubt that I’d watch it. Still, I’m curious to see how the crew handles the less plausible aspects of the anime, such as:
• Mireille’s magical skirt. It’s very, very short, yet there’s no panchira.
• Bloodless gunmen. Enough people are killed to furnish a small war. There should have been enough blood shed to float a battleship, yet there’s scarcely a drop shown.
• The lava lake in the basement. Both the heat and the gasses should have been instantly lethal, yet nobody even sweats. (And how could anyone possibly erect a building in such a place?)
Heroes, round two
Ashitaka, Balsa, Simon, Kenshin Himura, Homura Akemi, Meia Gisbourne, Allen Schezar, Alphonse Elric, Rem Saverem and Hikaru Ichijyo advance to the final round. Round two is up now. Who of the twenty-two gallant candidates in the poll at right is the most heroic? Vote for up to three. (If you have trouble voting, please mention it in a comment.)
Dennou Coil licensed …
Be sure to miss it
Remember this?
I sure don’t, and I read Mr. Popper’s Penguins many times back before the last ice age. Please, if you have to make a crummy movie, at least base it on a lousy book, not a childhood favorite.
Postcards from Chile
The VLTe Survey Telescope is open for business, with a 1° field of view and 268 megapixel images.
Meanwhile, there is a major eruption at Puyehue-Córdon Caulle, the ash from which has disrupted air traffic in New Zealand.
Menaces, pink and otherwise
Update: If an image of a pink pony playing a trombone might “frighten, intimidate or cause emotional distress” to you, do not click here:
I note with alarm that a corner of the otakusphere has been invaded by aliens more frightening than zombies or sparkly vampires. These creatures look superficially equine, but their fur and manes typically are colors that do not naturally occur on mammals. Their behaviors sometimes suggest intelligible sentience, but just as often reflect either hypertrophied reflexes or psychoses. Thus far these creatures have been primarily an occidental phenomenon, but they recently have been observed in Japan. Here is some video footage of these entities. (Caution: sit at least 0.6096 meter from the computer monitor while watching this documentary. If you find yourself repeatedly viewing any of the videos posted or linked here, seek professional help immediately.)
I would recommend summoning superheroes to deal with this menace, but I fear that they have already been compromised. I suspect that our only hope is a new corps of mahou shoujo.
Post script: What exactly is Pinkie Pie?
Kansas weather is sometimes a little too interesting for my taste. (The heat didn’t make it into the house, but the wind did wake me.)
Animation of a different sort: time-lapse photography of the beginning of the recent Grimsvötn eruption in Iceland:
(These are large files and might take a while to load.)
Although this might have been a larger eruption than Eyjafjallajokull’s last year, because of the prevailing winds and the composition of the ash, it was far less disruptive. Grimsvötn, incidentally, has a long and busy history, including the Lakagigar eruption of 1783, which was perhaps more consequential than Krakatau’s a century later.
Stout samurai
(Via Jonathan Clements.)
The seven faces of Kyubey, and other matters
I recently upgraded my installation of Filter Forge. Here are some variations on a theme:
Continue reading “The seven faces of Kyubey, and other matters”
Recent discoveries
Stephane Grappelli as the cat in Peter and the Wolf.
“Just once, I’d like to meet an alien menace that wasn’t immune to bullets.”
An outstanding example of obsessiveness: a fan-made Doctor Who anime.
(Via Chizumatic.)
Update: And it’s gone, which is a pity. The video was an impressive piece of animation. The auteur’s site is here.
Update II: You can watch it here.
The most terrifying girl, and a new poll
Lucy/Nyuu is the scariest girl in anime, followed by Rena Ryuugu, Nanami Yasuri and Enma Ai. I haven’t see Elfen Lied or Higurashi, but if Lucy and Rena are more frightening than Nanami, they must be terrifying indeed. Despite her strong showing in the preliminary rounds, Kirika Yuumera received a single vote in the finals; apparently, lethal though she is, she is too sympathetic a character to be truly scary.
There are 45 nominees for the most heroic character in anime. I will run two preliminary rounds. The top ten in each round will advance to the finals. You can vote for up to three candidates in the preliminaries.
These are the nominees:
Aika Sumeragi(Agent Aika)
Allen Schezar (Vision of Escaflowne)
Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Ashitaka (Princess Mononoke)
Astroboy (Astroboy)
Azuma Tetsuya (Casshan)
Balsa (Seirei no Moribito)
Captain Harlock (Space Pirate Captain Harlock)
Eboshi Gozen (Princess Mononoke)
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Hajime Murata (Shingu)
Hikaru Ichijyo (Macross/Robotech)
Homura Akemi (Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica)
Hotohori (Fushigi Yuugi)
Jack Hofner (L/R: Licensed by Royalty)
James Links (Zone of the Enders)
Joe Yabuki (Ashita no Joe)
Juuzo Okida (Space Battleship Yamoto)
Kenshin Himura (Samurai X; Rurouni Kenshin)
Maka Albarn (Soul Eater)
Masane Amaha (Witchblade)
Meia Gisbourne (Vandread)
Nanoha Takamachi (Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha)
Nausicäa (Nausicäa)
Rem Saverem (Trigun)
Robin Sena (Witch Hunter Robin)
Rowe Rickenbacher (L/R: Licensed by Royalty)
Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakukra)
Sakura Shinguji (Sakura Taisen)
Sayaka Yume (Mazinger Z)
Shizuru Fujimura (Godannar)
Simon (Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann)
Son Goku (Dragonball)
Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)
Susumu Kodai (Space Battleship Yamoto)
Togusa (Ghost in the Shell)
Tokine Yukimora (Kekkashi)
Vash the Stampede (Trigun)
Wenli Yang (Legend of Galactic Heroes)
Yakuta (Outlaw Star)
Yoko (Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann)
Yomiko Readman (Read or Die OVA)
Yoshika Miyafuji (Strike Witches)
Yoshimori Sumumura (Kekkaishi)
Yuki Mori (Space Battleship Yamoto)
Update: If you are one of the four people who voted earlier and could only vote for one candidate, let me know who the others you wanted to vote for are, and I’ll update the totals accordingly.
Anime or not?
There are a couple of problematic nominations for the “anime hero” poll.
• Samurai Jack was created in America by the same guy who concocted Dexter’s Laboratory. Does Jack truly count as an anime character?
• Robotech was assembled in America from pieces of three separate Japanese series. “Rick Hunter” is the Macek-ization of Macross‘ Hikaru Ichijyo. Should Hunter be included in the poll, or Ichijyo, or neither?
Miscellaneous geekery
A girl band I’d like to hear, or at least see. (Via Project Rooftop.)
Catwoman on ice. (Via Eve Tushnet.)
Ball-peen hammers in World of Warcraft. (Via Nightfly.) Posted in revenge for this (eye protection recommended).
The dark side of World of Warcraft.
I’ve probably mentioned this article before, but it’s worth posting again: my favorite living writer on Tolkien. (Via John C. Wright.)