Mary R. stopped by my office this afternoon and brought Duffy along.
Author: Don
Call for nominations
It’s about time for a new poll. So … who is the worst character in anime? I don’t mean who is the most evil — a good villain can be a pleasure to watch and is essential for some kinds of stories ((The loathsome Dolores Umbridge is perhaps the most memorable character in the entire Harry Potter franchise.)) — but, rather, who is the most poorly-conceived, unnecessary or pointlessly irritating? Who provides unfunny comic relief, pathological angst or repulsive fanservice? Who spoils every scene he’s in? List your nominations in the comments. You can nominate more than one, but please don’t get carried away.
Some possibilities:
Rei Hino/Sailor Mars (Sailor Moon) — She may be the best-looking of the Sailor Senshi and a magical miko, but she is also quarrelsome and obnoxious.
Tomo Takino (Azumanga Daioh) — AD should have been a great show. Unfortunately, there are a couple of problems. One is the insufferable Tomo.
NB (Tenchi Muyo GXP) — Never was comic relief so tedious. Or so unnecessary. Without Nabeshin’s self-insertion, TMGXP would be a solid four stars out of five; with him, the most I can give is three.
Barashishou (Rozen Maiden Traümend) — It’s obvious early on that she’s not a proper Rozen Maiden: ((Yeah, that’s a spoiler, but I don’t care. The show is a waste of time.)) there is no personality behind the smirk.
“Ms.” Aki (Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi) — I really, really don’t want to see middle-aged transvestites. Uninteresting footnote: Aki is voiced by the same voice actor as
Kimura (Azumanga Daioh) — I’ll just quote Steven from his legendary lost review of AD: “Someone please shoot him.”
Quote of the week
Let’s send an otaku to Washington
“No one is more objectively qualified …”
Friday linkdump
The website for Satoshi Kon’s current project is active. Yume-Miru Kikai looks like a significant departure from Kon’s previous work, at least visually, and unlike Paranoia Agent and Paprika, this “future folklore story” might be suitable for all ages.
An appreciation of the background art of Oh! Edo Rocket.
For anyone who’s ever said “Huh?” at a renaissance faire.
If you’re in the Minneapolis area, you can catch a performance of “A Christmas Carol” in Klingon. (Via Maureen the Suburban Banshee.)
A three-dimensional Mandelbrot set? (also via Maureen.)
Bored with caricaturing Roman Catholicism, manga artists have discovered the Eastern Orthodox.
An old interview with the late John Sladek I came across recently. Sladek, discoverer of the thirteenth sign of the zodiac (Arachne, May 13 to June 9), ((For the morbidly curious, my own sign is “No parking — violators will be towed at owner expense.”)) was one of the last century’s best satirists and is of my favorite writers.
Keep an eye on those ducks:
Public service announcement: the complete Dirty Pair TV is out there, subtitled, if you know where to look.
Magic broccoli and honeycombs
For the record
A miniature conservative universe
Who are the Japanese — “… slightly modified Koreans“? The article is about 10 years old and the research may be outdated, but it’s an interesting read nevertheless.
(Via Darwin.)
Unexpected combination
A couple more pictures:
Iris and chrysanthemums blooming simultaneously.
November color
Probably Malva sylvestris, photographed near the back door of the cathedral.
Moving in stereo

Here’s a collection of Japanese stereograms from from the late 19th and early 20th century. Most of them can be viewed by the usual “parallel” method — which is easier to do than to explain — but there is a set of contact prints here that you can see in 3D by crossing your eyes. You can also see if the animated .gifs here work for you; I just find them annoying. Here’s a large collection of the photographer’s work.
(Via Lynn.)
Delayed sensation
Last spring I planted a packet of cosmos seeds of the old “Sensation” variety. According to the packet, the plants start blooming in midsummer and get about four feet tall, which tallies with my memories of the plants in the family garden years ago. However, summer came and went, and the plants showed no sign of flowers. Instead, they just grew and grew. The ones that didn’t flop over are all five to six feet tall now. Finally, in October, they began to bloom. Here are a few pictures I took this afternoon.
A slight talent for doggerel …
… and none whatsoever for music. I’ve never understood why Robert Zimmerman is considered a great songwriter. I’m not alone.
Post script: Alright, there is one Dylan song — sorta— with lyrics worth noting.
Dreaming meat
Not anime, but of interest to science-fiction and music fans: Frëd Himebaugh of the Fredösphere has composed a fifteen-minute opera using Terry Bisson’s short story “They’re Made Out of Meat” as the libretto. You can purchase it here for 89¢. See also Frëd’s earlier posts here and here.
In case there’s anyone who hasn’t yet seen it, here’s the best Touhou video I’ve seen in a while:
Catholic News Service apparently didn’t think to google the name they chose for their multimedia service.
Meat dreams
Frëd Himebaugh of the Fredösphere has composed a fifteen-minute opera using Terry Bisson’s short story “They’re Made Out of Meat” as the libretto. You can purchase it here. See also Frëd’s earlier posts here and here.
Here’s one of the more impressive videos I’ve seen recently. The characters and tune are from the vast Touhou project, but you don’t need to know anything about that to appreciate the phantasmagorical transformations.