

Edo cyber café, circa 1842. The otakusphere has been around longer than I had realized.

There’s still little time for anime. The only current series I’m up-to-date on is Oh! Edo Rocket (or Oedo Rocket, or Ohedo Rocket). ((Though I download Denno Coil and Seirei no Moribito as new episodes become available)) Eighteen episodes have now been subtitled, and it continues as off-the-wall as ever. The word is that the dramatic story is concluded in the twentieth episode and the remaining six focus on comedy, which is fine with me.

The soundtrack is distinctive. About half of it is big-band swing; the rest is mostly swing/rock hybrids, with a bit of pseudo-flamenco here and there. I don’t know how well it will sustain repeated listenings, but in small doses it’s fun. Here are a couple of examples:


(This tune recurs in different arrangements throughout the series. Another setting can be heard in the second video excerpt here.)



Speaking of soundtracks, I discovered yesterday that the other dealer is selling Geneon CDs for $5.99. This includes many outstanding OSTs — Haibane Renmei, Azumanga Daioh, Someday’s Dreamers, Noir, etc.



There’a a guest choreographer, Shawn Stevens, working with the students at Friends University this week, and I hope to get out there to snap a few pictures each day. ((By “a few,” I mean about 200 or so. Digital “film” is dangerously cheap. I shot 250 frames in a little more than a half-hour this afternoon.))

Continue reading “161/365”


This came up in an email exchange with a friend. I thought that other victims of photography might appreciate it:

The default mode in all digital cameras is “caricature.” The software automatically looks for slight defects in a person’s appearance and exaggerates them. If there are no defects, it will interpolate some. (Film cameras have a similar feature.) Unfortunately, camera manuals are minimal these days and seldom include directions for changing this default. In other words, nobody looks as bad as his picture.

It’s a cute, cute, cute, cute world

While going through this month’s search terms, I noticed a theme:

kawaii watches
criticisms of kawaii culture
kawaii car stuff
kawaii room maker
couple kawaii hat
how to be kawaii
kawaii oak panio
teenage kawaii
kawaii camera
kawaii sequencer
kawaii computer
kawaii software
english clothes kawaii
chicago kawaii
kawaii multiply theme
kawaii comments
kawaii culture

japan fake reality cute
silly japanese cute words

Some kowai searches:
jewish anime
why is jackson pollock named jack the ripper
hello kitty boots without socks
dokuro chan costume prop
— Don’t. Just don’t.
when did solomon become a satanist
horribly good saki
asian bluegrass metal
— Something like God of Shamisen?
miss mune mune costumes — You probably shouldn’t, even if (particularly if) you have the figure.
paprika ubik — There’s a term paper here.
bartok lambda calculus music
rock critics are idiots
— Obviously.
chicken dance accordion — Be careful what you search for. You might find it.

More pictures


I recently looked at various picture gallery plugins for WordPress. None of them were satisfactory. Therefore, I’ve established a gallery independent of my weblogs. The software I’m using, by a curious coincidence, is Gallery. Thus far, it works pretty well; I haven’t yet yelled at the computer. I’ve uploaded a selection of this year’s Winfield pictures for starters. There will be albums of dance and botanical pictures in the near future, and other kinds of subjects as well.

Update: I’ve added a selection of my old black-and-white SCA pictures.

Rangers and ragtime


Right to left: Nana, Nana, Nana, Nana, Nana, Nana and Nana (Picture via Steven)

I’ve just added Seven of Seven to my buy list (though it will have to wait awhile):

Another thing that’s interesting is that they’re using a lot of Scott Joplin in the soundtrack. I think it works, too. It’s refreshing, and it does tend to support a light feel to the show. Joplin isn’t ponderous and certainly isn’t slow or depressing.

I used to play Joplin half a lifetime ago when my fingers were in shape. Using his music in the soundtrack could backfire, of course. I hated The Sting partly because I disliked Hamlisch’s arrangements. I hope Yoshihisa Hirano uses the original piano scores.

Incidentally, while most of Scott Joplin is lively and cheerful, he did write a few slow pieces, e.g., “Solace,” and some of his later rags, while not depressing, do leave a bitter aftertaste, e.g., “Scott Joplin’s New Rag.”