Haibane Coil II

From the Old Home Bulletin Board:

BTW, ABe shares our good taste. ^_^ At AnimeFest this weekend someone asked him what current anime series he likes. He said he didn’t get to watch more than a few because he is very busy, but the best one that he always watches is Dennou Coil. He said he was very impressed with the story, the animation, and the voice acting. Later in another panel he listed it as one of his three favorites of all anime. The other two were Miyazaki’s films and Ghost in the Shell ….

Bleah, bleah, and a surfeit of seifuku

I’m back from my trip, but I’ve got a minor yet tedious project ahead and it’s still going to be a while before I have time for anime. Don’t expect much activity here for the next two weeks.


Yesterday evening I was frazzled from travel and a long day getting caught up at work. I was in the mood for something pretentious and angsty, so I watched the first few episodes of Evangelion. It’s a bad sign when the least unsympathetic character ((other than the penguin)) is the flakiest, and worse when the putative hero is a basket case. So, does it get better, or should I abandon it now?

Update: Rei isn’t “emotionless.” She’s dead. The hell with it.


It won’t cure angst, but you can dance to it:
Continue reading “Bleah, bleah, and a surfeit of seifuku”



The weather may in fact be quite innocuous, but with a little Photoshopping it can look like the tornado siren is about to sound.