Author: Don
Miscellaneous notes
I didn’t much care for Peter Jackson’s version of The Lord of the Rings, but it did make The DM of the Rings possible. Shamus is about to wrap the story up. It begins here. Shamus’ next project will be here.
The first tune I heard Saturday morning was “Wipeout.” I also heard “American Pie,” some Jethro Tull and an a capella rendition of the riff from “Smoke on the Water.” Where was I?
The Minnesota Renaissance Faire.
Extra #4
Mononoke 4
Nobody’s favorite guitarist.
Extra #3
Mononoke 3
The passengers.
Mononoke 2
On the deck of the boat in the Dragon’s Triangle (like the Bermuda Triangle, but more garish).
Extra #2
Mononoke 1
I’m going to be away from the computer for a few days. While I’m gone, I’ll post a few screen captures from Mononoke, a series perhaps of more visual than narrative interest. This is the medicine seller, the central character of the stories, who functions somewhat like a free-lance exorcist. Usually his fingers aren’t dissolving away.
Extra #1
Random notes
Dino Squad — yet another reason to stick to anime. (Via Tim Blair.)
I notice that the group fansubbing Dokuro-Chan II calls itself “Philanthropy.” That’s not the word that occurs to me.
For those who regard every anime they’ve downloaded that is subsequently licensed as a an “obligation buy,” a suggestion. If it’s a lousy, trashy series, e.g., Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru, don’t spend your money on it. It will only encourage the company to license more garbage. Instead, take that money and apply it to a good show, preferably one that is underappreciated. (My own policy is less stringent. I purchase more than I download, and if a show is genuinely good, it goes on my “buy” list, even if I don’t expect to rewatch it soon. My drive may be getting full, but my shelves are overflowing.)
Off the bandwagon
I just took a second look at the first two episodes of Potemayo to see if I had missed something. Let’s add up the score:
Guchuko: +20
Very sharp ax: +5
Energy beams: +5
Potemayo: +5
Sunao: +3
Kyo: +1
Bird: +1
Bird crap: -1
Mikan: -5
Nosebleeds: -5
Girls with nosebleeds: -10
Boys in skirts: -15
Bro-something Mountain: -20
Final score: -16. Much as I like Guchuko, there’s not enough of her to warrant enduring the rest of the show.
Post script: I forgot about Guchuko’s roll of tape, which is certainly worth at least a +5. That still only brings the total up to -11.