On Market, south of 9th.
Category: Photo gallery

Last year’s weeds.
First Christian Church, Central and Market in Wichita
At the other end of the alley, about two minute’s walk north from where I live, is the Little Arkansas River.

Part of the façade at one of the burger joints I occasionally stop at.
MamaT has begun the project of taking a picture each day for a year and posting it on her site. This could be fun, and I already carry a toy camera with me everywhere I go, so why not? Here’s the first in a series of 365:
This is the stack of books on the chair next to my bed. (There are additional piles under the chair and spreading across the floor, but this is representative.) The visible titles are:
Fuyumi Ono, The Twelve Kingdoms: Sea of Shadow
R.A. Lafferty, Iron Tears
Novala Takemoto, Kamikaze Girls
Joshua Elder, Mail Order Ninja
Caryll Houselander, Catholic Tales for Boys and Girls
Terry Teachout, All in the Dances
Nicholas Slonimsky, Lexicon of Musical Invective
Jorge Luis Borges, Selected Non-Fictions
The other books in the stack are:
Robin McKinley, The Blue Sword
Thomas J. Craughwell, Saints Behaving Badly
G.K. Chesterton, Four Faultless Felons and The Flying Inn
Robert Benchley, The Benchley Roundup
Some of these are old favorites. Others are potential gifts for nephews and nieces I want to read before I mail. The rest were recommended by various people or just looked interesting.