Fun with layers

Experimenting with “Orton” photography. Essentially, you work with two layers, one sharp and one blurred, and blend them together to get a surrealistic effect. Some images work better than others.

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Seedlings at five months

All started back in May. The pictures are stacked focus, each assembled from between 17 to 73 individual frames in Helicon Focus.

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Modern ballet

The final batch from the Friends University Ballet fall concert dress rehearsal, October 5, 2017. As usual, click to embiggen and to see with better color; right-click and open in a new window to see at maximum size.

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Bach Concerto II

Friends University Ballet fall concert dress rehearsal, October 5, 2017. Click to embiggen and to see with better color; right-click and open in a new window to see at maximum size.

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Bach Concerto

Friends University Ballet fall concert dress rehearsal, October 5, 2017. Click to embiggen and to see with better color; right-click and open in a new window to see at maximum size.

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Lilac Fairy and Firebird

Further pictures from the dress rehearsal for the fall dance concert at Friends University.

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More dance

More pictures from the dress rehearsal for the Friends University fall dance program. (Click to embiggen, and also to see the pictures with better color. For some inexplicable reason, the WordPress algorithms make the reduced-size pictures look dull.)

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Before ballet

The 2017 fall ballet performance at Friends University was a lecture-demonstration covering the history of ballet, including a look at forms of dance that preceded ballet. (Click pictures to embiggen.)

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I spent Thursday evening photographing the dress rehearsal for the Friends University Ballet fall program. Expect a lot more pictures here soon.

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