Music inspired by Haibane Renmei
Kana’s Toy
Haibane Suite
I: Dream
II: Off to Work
III: Saturday Evening at the Abandoned Factory
IV: Reading by Halo-Light
V: Calm, Rational Discussion
VI: Night
A portrait of one of the haibane ABe didn’t mention. The melody in the third section is “Washerwoman’s Bransle” from Arbeau’s Orchesography, first published in 1589. The rest of the tunes are my own.
Washerwoman’s Bransle, without the sound effects.
Other music
Trotto (Traditional) — Medieval hard rock.
Tristan’s Lament/La Rotta (Traditional) — A Renaissance slow/fast dance pair.
Hungarian Dance (Jacob Paix)
The Fairy Boy (Traditional)
The Minstrel Boy (Traditional) — This used to be Irish.
Morrison’s Jig (Traditional)
The Rakes of Skokie (Traditional) — Also formerly Irish.
Prairie Riptide (McClane)
Duet (McClane)
Mint Chocolate Chip (McClane)
The Celestial Parsnip (McClane)