My well-used 4×5 Crown Graphic. I think I paid $125 for the body and $75 for the lens. Cheap though the outfit is, it is capable of superb results. For sheer quality, nothing beats large format:
For some kinds of photography, this is absolutely true, and if I were primarily a landscape photographer, my principal tool would be the Graphic or perhaps a 4×5 field camera with more movements. The large negative also makes contact-printing processes such as cyanotypes possible. The downside is that large format photography is slow in every way. If you want to catch dancers in mid-air during rehearsal, you need fast film in a quick-focusing camera with a fast lens (or a digital SLR that performs well at high ISOs), and you need to take a lot of pictures quickly. Even so, I have taken good studio shots of dancers with the Crown Graphic.