Another one of my pictures is a Botany Photo of the Day.
Category: Photo gallery
Horticultural note
One of the pleasures of growing sunflowers is that they grow like weeds but are not weeds.1 They get big. They’re plants I can see eye-to-eye with.
Stay on the path
In years past one occasionally found such plants as argemone and corydalis in Wichita’s Sedgwick County Park. However, careful management has eliminated most of the pesky wildflowers, so that nothing distracts visitors from the splendid displays of Toxicodendron radicans throughout the park.
The same drive toward tidiness has also simplified the flora of the fields east of the park. Formerly, one would sometimes stumble across Mentzelia nuda, for instance, or Delphinium carolinianum, but gradually such conspicuous species disappeared. A few still remain, such as Oenothera rhombipetala and Dalea villosa, but if current trends continue, eventually the area will be just neat and tidy grass.
Sun in shade
Little duckie lost
Horticultural snapshots
… well, not exactly “snapshots,” since the images were all done with stacked focus.
This little nigella couldn’t catch a break this year. A mole took out most of the plants, and thunderstorms pounded the survivors onto the ground. I rinsed off the flower as best I could, but it’s still rather gritty.
In the pink
On the way to work this morning
More yellow
Today’s post is brought to you by the color blue
Stereo mud
A bit of yellow, and some grumbling
I see that the Lords of WordPress have decided that I don’t need to see previews of my posts any more, unless I use their “visual” editor, which I dislike. I also don’t see a way to schedule posts for future publication, despite the claims in the “Help” tab in the editor. I’ve been using WordPress for about ten years now, but if there are many further “improvements,” I may look for another platform.
Update: the editing page is back to normal.
Garden snapshots
It’s too windy today to do anything outdoors, so I spent a little time with the indoor garden. Everything here will eventually be planted outside. Once they’re in the ground, I’ll establish the real indoor garden, with cacti, mesembs and stapeliads.
Arms and legs, but mainly arms
I shot a bit over 3,000 frames at a ballet rehearsal this evening. Here’s a preview. It’s going to take a while to go through them all.
Purple fuzz
I visited the botanical garden for the first time this year today. Before that, though, I took a close-up of a bit of henbit from the yard.