Pop quiz

Candidate #1
Candidate #1
Candidate #2
Candidate #2
Candidate #3
Candidate #3

One, and only one, of the characters above from the Heroic Botch of Arslan is a girl. Can you tell which one?

[poll id=”3″]

Update: The answer is below the fold.

The 1991-93 Arslan was a mess, albeit a very pretty one. It covered less than half of the original story (which was written by Yoshiki Tanada, who also wrote the original Legend of the Galactic Heroes). The first episode, which is an hour long and in 16:9 for theatrical release, is beautifully animated. The budget steadily dropped for subsequent episodes. The last four are standard teevee-size and -length and the series stops with nothing really resolved.

A new version of Arslan is planned for this spring. I read a summary of the original story many years ago. It could be the basis of a good show, if the writers are intelligent and if they’re given enough episodes to work with (26 minimum; preferably 39 or more). Even so, it probably won’t be as pleasing to the eyes as the first episode of the OVA. ((In skimming through the first two episodes of the OVA to get the above screen caps, I was struck by how well the horses were animated, compared to the mechanical CG steeds in Madan no Ou to Vanadis.))

Arslan returns
Arslan returns

The answer to the quiz:


The second candidate is the girl.


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