Digital archaeology was originally a GeoCities site, back at the dawn of the modern era. It was mainly a place to post pictures. If I remember correctly, I initially had a total of 10 megabytes of space — or was it 5? — available on the Geocities server, so the pictures had to be small. I eventually got premium account, partly for more space, partly to get rid of the damned pop-ups. Some years later I got a better hosting deal elsewhere and, after an arduous search of the Geocities site for the not-really-secret-but-curiously-hard-to-find relevant menu, cancelled my membership.

A year ago, the USA GeoCities site was shut down, though there is still a Japanese version extant. Before that, some organizations archived the GeoCities content. If you have a really fast connection and a spare terabyte drive, you can now download all of GeoCities as a 900-gigabyte torrent.