Another minor anniversary

I’ve had some sort of presence on the world wide waste of time for about twenty years now, starting with a website on Fifteen years ago today I launched my first solo weblog, after participating briefly in a group blog. I eventually abandoned it when the blogging software was abandoned by its originators, but not before starting a replacement on another host. There were further abandon-and-replace cycles over the years, but I’ve always had a weblog going since 2003. Nothing remains of the first weblog except the items in the “ancient texts” in the sidebar at right, but everything since then is preserved in the archives.2 I wrote a brief history of my blogging five years ago for the tenth anniversary, and there’s little to add to that.

Is running a weblog continuously for fifteen years a great achievement? Hardly. Just post something every once in a while, and you can call yourself a “blogger.” Keep doing it for years and years, and the word count will build steadily to a superficially impressive magnitude.

Maintaining one worth reading regularly is another matter. There are many bloggers out there who have written far more, and better, than me (though probably very few have as eccentric a range of interests). And then there’s Charles G. Hill, who makes all the others seem like beginners.

What I’m mindful of today are the many memorable bloggers who faded away or disappeared. Remember The Hatemonger’s Quarterly? The last post from the crack young staff is almost nine years old. How about Strange Herring? It’s gone, probably forever, and all my links to Anthony Sacramone’s wisecracks are dead.3 The Shrine of the Holy Whapping still exists but hasn’t been updated in years, as is the case with Quenta Nârwenion. I rarely suffer from nostalgia — I don’t have much to be nostalgic for — but I do miss these, and the many others who are no longer active.4


  1. Remember It ceased to exist years ago, except in Japan.
  2. Though much of the older art is missing and many of the old links are defunct.
  3. Sacramone currently writes many articles for various websites and probably actually gets paid for them, but for a while his weblog was great fun.
  4. I miss Steven most of all, but that’s another matter.

3 thoughts on “Another minor anniversary”

  1. Happy anniversary 🙂 It’s hard to really pin down my own exact “blog anniversary” – there was the web-accesible column i wrote in college in the mid 90s, my MIT webpage and my geocities pages from 96-98, my personal domains from around then to 2003, along with various forums (like Floor42 and Slashdot), and then of course in 2002 onwards. Even Haibane is no spring chicken now – it started in 2006!

  2. (ding!) Grats. 🙂

    My public web presence seems to begin with a vaguely-bloggish home page in 1997 (on a domain I ended up owning, and still host), but my email address appeared in print in 1991, which was amusing when I interviewed for my first Silicon Valley job (“how well do you know Perl?”, “well, I’m in the book…”).

    My current blog will turn 16 in October, so we’re pretty close. They grow up so fast.


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