
125 shiny little magnets. Click to embiggen, as usual. Cross your eyes until you see three images, then focus on the middle image.

125 shiny little magnets. Click to embiggen, as usual.

Cross your eyes until you see three images, then focus on the middle image.

At six months

The cactus and stapeliad seedlings are half a year old now. These pictures are all stacked focus, with from 26 to 92 images in each stack assembled in Helicon Focus. They are all much enlarged. The Gymnocalycium above is the largest of the cacti; it’s about a half-inch in diameter. Click to see it larger; … Continue reading “At six months”


The cactus and stapeliad seedlings are half a year old now. These pictures are all stacked focus, with from 26 to 92 images in each stack assembled in Helicon Focus. They are all much enlarged. The Gymnocalycium above is the largest of the cacti; it’s about a half-inch in diameter. Click to see it larger; right-click and open in a new window to see it larger still.

Turbinicarpus lophophoroides
Copiapoa hypogea
Mammillaria bombycina
Mammillaria bombycina
Mammillaria huitzilopochtli

Seedlings at five months

All started back in May. The pictures are stacked focus, each assembled from between 17 to 73 individual frames in Helicon Focus.

Mammillaria bocasana v. multilanata

All started back in May. The pictures are stacked focus, each assembled from between 17 to 73 individual frames in Helicon Focus.

Mammillaria carmenae
Copiapoa wagenknechtii (or Copiapoa coquimbana var. wagenknechtii)
Turbinicarpus pseudopectinatus
Turbinicarpus pseudopectinatus