Before Koichi Mashimo’s trilogy1, there was The Nutcracker, as produced annually by Friends University Ballet.
I spent the evening tonight taking far too many pictures at the dress rehearsal. I’ll eventually post a bunch on my photo weblog, but it will take a while to go through them all.
Update (December 10): I’m through with the party scene in act one. The pictures are here.
If you’re in the mood to procrastinate, you’re in luck. I’ve uploaded a few pictures to Jigsaw Planet and have embedded the puzzles in my photography weblog. I’ll be adding more. Click on the “ghost” button at the bottom left of the puzzle frame for a preview of the finished puzzle.
I spent part of the afternoon downtown today at the Air Capital Comic Con. Overall, the cosplayers were underwhelming — perhaps they wore their better outfits yesterday — and there was a surfeit of Spidermen and Harley Quinns, but there were a few who made bringing the camera along worthwhile. There are more pictures here.
I shot too many pictures at the dress rehearsal Thursday evening for the Friends University Ballet fall program, and it will take the rest of the weekend or longer to go through them all and process the best. They’ll be at my photo site, soon, I hope.
If Flickr decides that there has been suspicious activity involving your account, or if you want to access Flickr from a different browser or a different computer, you need to prove to them that you are indeed whoever it is that you are. It’s a simple matter. In my case, I need only respond to emails sent to either of two long-defunct addresses.2 This doesn’t quite make sense to me; I used a different address, which they have, to launch my account there. But the ways of IT are mysterious and not for ordinary mortals to comprehend.
At this time, I can log into Flickr only with one browser and only on one computer. It’s just a matter of time before I’m locked out of my account entirely. Therefore, I’ve started a weblog for my photography, here. I’ll occasionally post a picture or two on Zoopraxiscope, but the full galleries will be at the new site. You can see the rest of the pictures from yesterday’s visit to the Great Plains Renaissance Festival there, for instance.
The cactus seedlings are steadily coming along. The hooks of M. pennispinosa, above, are as sharp as they look. I keep a pair of embroidery scissors handy when I repot such little hookers so I can detach them from my fingers when I’m done.
I visited the botanical garden yesterday, where I found both the red and white forms of Hibiscus coccineus, the “Texas Star” hibiscus (though it’s not actually native to the Lone Star state) in bloom.
In other Texas news, Ubu remains in Houston despite Harvey and has been writing about the pleasures of life in the time of hurricanes.3