

There’a a guest choreographer, Shawn Stevens, working with the students at Friends University this week, and I hope to get out there to snap a few pictures each day. ((By “a few,” I mean about 200 or so. Digital “film” is dangerously cheap. I shot 250 frames in a little more than a half-hour this afternoon.))

Continue reading “161/365”

More pictures


I recently looked at various picture gallery plugins for WordPress. None of them were satisfactory. Therefore, I’ve established a gallery independent of my weblogs. The software I’m using, by a curious coincidence, is Gallery. Thus far, it works pretty well; I haven’t yet yelled at the computer. I’ve uploaded a selection of this year’s Winfield pictures for starters. There will be albums of dance and botanical pictures in the near future, and other kinds of subjects as well.

Update: I’ve added a selection of my old black-and-white SCA pictures.