Here are the candidates in the new poll.

Cure Black and Cure White (Pretty Cure)
Jubei-chan (Jubei-chan: Secret of the Lovely Eye-Patch)
Kaitou Jeanne (Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne)
Nanoha Takamachi (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha)
Pretty Sammy (Magical Project S)
Princess Kraehe (Princess Tutu)
Princess Tutu (Princess Tutu)
Sailor Moon (Classic) (Sailor Moon)
Sailor Moon (Eternal) (Sailor Stars)
N.B.: You do not need to have seen any of these to vote. In fact, I’d be appalled if you’ve watched much of most. Just look at the pictures and pick your favorite.
Please note that I’m not interested in who is your favorite or is from the best show. I just want to know who you think has the best outfit.
*pulls out complainer soapbox*
I have to pick “None of the Above”. Most anime shows just don’t dress women or girls very attractively, much less practically.
I like the outfits in Haibane Renmei pretty well. Some of the shows that pay a lot of attention to ambience over-all have some very nice clothing even on people in crowd scenes. But in general… eh. Especially magical girls. The designer tend to throw together a whole lot of elements they consider “cute”, “heartwarming” and “trendy”, with little regard to the total effect. Scarily, the American and Italian magical girl shows also have ugly outfits of this kind.
I had email correspondence with a producer/writer of the Princess Gwenevere show. He indicated that they had designed the girls’ outfits primarily according to marketing studies about what girls liked. So they piled ballet stuff onto medieval stuff onto fantasy stuff onto animal stuff and onto this, that, and the other stuff. It’s not quite cynical, but it’s surely not fashion.