Miscellaneous notes

The server that hosts my websites, while never exactly snappy, has become downright sluggish lately. By a curious coincidence, I just got an email from the hosting service asking if my website has been “running slow” and announcing “a more powerful hosting solution for your website!” I think this is my cue to look for another host. Any recommendations?


Grr. It looks like I may need to take another look at Gosick. I may also need to watch the rest of Dog Days.

One reason I haven’t been keeping up with current series is that I’ve been more inclined to read books than watch anime recently. ((Another is that it’s too damn hot to do anything; at 7 p.m., it was 101°F outside, and I need to direct the breeze from the air conditioner directly onto the computer to keep it from overheating.)) (This gets frustrating. My eyes get tired after a while, and it takes a half-hour before I can focus on anything again. ((Supposedly, staring at a computer monitor for hours on end is bad for your eyes, but I haven’t ever noticed any problems. (Of course, I’m already very nearsighted and astigmatic.) Reading words on dead tree is another matter.)) ) I suppose I should watch Ano Hi Mita Hana with the Sesquipedelian Name — I saw the first episode and was not hooked, but I gather it’s worth slogging through — but I don’t know when I’ll get to it. Right now, I’m more interested in Florence King and Tim Powers.

So why have I watched more than a dozen episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? Ack.


In case anyone reading this is in the area: I plan to spend some time the weekend of July 8-10 at Anime Festival Wichita. You can find me there behind a camera.

3 thoughts on “Miscellaneous notes”

  1. I went to Skyvector.com and it says Wichita is about 4 hours away, which is just about my range… Very tempting.

  2. MLP: Friendship Is Magic is HILARIOUS. On purpose. And the songs are so good! It’s like a redemption of the whole franchise.

    Yes, I got sucked in by some of the fan-picked highlight videos on YouTube. I can see that I’m going to be forced to watch large amounts of it. It also seems to me that the writers have cherrypicked some of the more fun and interesting plotlines from other 80’s tv shows, though maybe I’m just getting paranoid in my middle age. 🙂

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