One more apple

Bad Apple

I condensed “Bad Apple” down to two strains in 32 measures, suitable for playing in jam sessions or for dances, which I’m posting in case anyone else might find it useful. It’s in E minor now, a much friendlier key for diatonic instruments than the E-flat minor of the score I worked from. It’s not obligatory to play it as written: fiddle with the rhythm and add a few triplets, and you have a perfectly fine hornpipe. I expect you could tease a strathspey out of it with a bit of ingenuity. For inspiration, see Floating Cloud. (Click to embiggenify, right-click to save to your disc.)

Update: “Bad Apple” as a strathspey and reel can be found here.

One thought on “One more apple”

  1. I was going to say that this sheet music made me think of Floating Cloud.

    This reminds me of other fiddle tunes that I’ve come across while listening to anime music. There’s a very nice Celtic reel in the Someday’s Dreamers soundtrack called “Kappa no Furusato” (which translates to “Hometown of the Kappa”). The soundtrack of Spice and Wolf also contains various Celtic-style tunes scattered throughout.

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