A few notes

A couple of noteworthy post titles:

Proposition: “The collective national IQ peaked in 1967, and has eroded since.”

From the comments:

I read a study years ago claiming that, since the Late Victorian era, the average written sentence loses five words per decade. ((Um, just how long was the average sentence in late Victorian times?)) I cannot claim to know the methodology of the study, but if it’s true, we may all be communicating in grunts, soon. Actually, some of the teens I hear on cell phones seemed to have reached that stage.

Another study I read claimed that, in the late sixties, early 70’s, one needed a vocabulary of about ten thousand words to comprehend a television news show, or to read a newspaper. In the eighties and nineties, it was five thousand.

Ignorance of Botany Is Ignorance of Literature


Wonderduck is giving Vividred Operation a close look — a very close look, from a variety of viewpoints, from many low camera angles. Better him than me. Can you guess what is a vivid shade of red? Hint: think Strike Witches.

Izu Oshima, by the way, is a real place and a frequently active volcano — sometimes spectacularly so. If Oshima gets feisty during the course of the series, Vividred might be worth watching after all.

2 thoughts on “A few notes”

  1. On the other hand, this, so the lower-intelligence theory probably needs a few [citation needed]s.

    And the linked post seems to be an instance of argumentum ad hipsterum: “not liking my sorts of high art” implies lower intelligence. I, personally, design microchips for a living, but I don’t spend much time at museums or classical-music performances. I guess this makes me unintelligent?

    It’s an argument not much different than “moé is the cancer that’s killing the industry!” in another venue…

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