First look, last look

I took a look at some of the new shows on Crunchyroll.

Never mind

… and that’s when I stopped watching Arata the Legend.

Blasé boy meets annoying girl in Muromi-san. The gimmick is that the girl is a mermaid. I made it all the way through the first episode. Some of it is is funny, but the humor is rather low-brow. I doubt that I’ll watch more.

Devil Survivor 2 is based on an RPG. Usually that’s a bad sign but, surprisingly, I survived the entire first episode. A trio of adolescents download demons on their smartphones to fight monsters while the earth faces some sort of apocalypse. I expect that next week is the big infodump, and after that the show will go to hell, but it could surprise me.

Not Texas

For a moment I thought we were in Texas during bluebonnet season, but no such luck. Majestic Prince features annoying kids piloting mecha, and I lost interest within five minutes.

Boy meets girl again in The Severing Crime Edge. This time, the boy is obsessed with cutting girls’ hair, and the girl has very long hair that cannot be cut. Perhaps there’s a story there, but it felt creepy in the wrong way. It was another I dropped in five minutes.

Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet is the least unpromising of the bunch, even if the protagonist is a mecha pilot. This might be connected to the fact that the staff includes a certain Gen Urobuchi, who not long ago wrote a story about a girl named Madoka.


If the spring anime season isn’t dreary enough for you, there’s summer. When the only series that catches my eye is a remake of Sailor Moon, something is wrong.

One thought on “First look, last look”

  1. My anime habits lately have involved waiting until after a series has completed so I know what’s actually worth watching, then going back and doing a marathon viewing session (or two or three). That’s how I watched Madoka Magika and Girls Und Panzer, anyway.

    Sailor Moon, though. Hmm. It’s months away, so…

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