Odder ends

Beware: the Social Justice Kittens have returned.

Perhaps you might prefer bears.


I have a nice not-so-little steak thawing in the refrigerator at the moment. I don’t think I’ll mind missing the traditional turkey dinner tomorrow. Meanwhile, a certain Roman Catholic boy for art is celebrating the holiday in his own way.


Miyazaki does Chesterton

Is Miyazaki’s vision fundamentally conservative? Perhaps.


Being a major 20th-century American poet was a hazardous job — in one anthology on my shelves, of the forty poets included, three (Berryman, Plath, Sexton) and possibly a fourth (Jarrell) were suicides, for 10% fatality rate. Apparently, being a K-pop star is also a dangerous occupation.


Addendum: Don’t read this out loud. (It is a good alternative to lorem ipsum, though.)

2 thoughts on “Odder ends”

  1. Most excellent. Thanks. Trust the steak was good.

    I only regret I have no good place to hang a kitty calendar.

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