Orchid show, November 3-4, 2018 I

Cattleya alliance at the Kansas Orchid Society show at Botanica in Wichita.

Cattleya Miss Endicott

Cattleya alliance at the Kansas Orchid Society show at Botanica in Wichita.

Cattleya Zuiho “Micki”
Enanthleya Joseph Romans “Roman Holiday”
Cattlianthe Precious Ruby
Brassavola subulifolia (syn. cordata)
Rhyncattleanthe Triple Love 3
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Walnut Valley White 2
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Walnut Valley White 3
Enanthleya Joseph Romans “Roman Holiday” 2
Stellamizaatara Kelly “Lea”
Rhyncattleanthe Triple Love 1
Rhyncattleanthe Triple Love 2
Cattlianthe unregistered hybrid (Ctt. Tiny Treasure x C. harrisoniana)
Cattleya Tinsywinsy
Cattleya labiata f. semi alba “Bryon”
Cattleya Zuiho “Micki” 2
Cattleya Zuiho “Micki” 2
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Oconee Circle
Cattlianthe Pop’s Glory
Rhynchobrassoleya Copper Queen
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Karlene Sanborn
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Chyong Guu Linnet “Smile”
Potinara Hsingying Pink Doll
Dimeranda stenopetala
Epidendrum porpax
Scaphyaglottis imbricata “Bryon”
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Chyong Guu Linnet “Smile” 2
Laeliocatanthe (Laelia splendida x Cattlianthe Ernest Renan) 2
Laelia moyobambae
Cattlianthe Precious Ruby 2
Cattlianthe Pop’s Glory 2
Cattleya Bryon Rinke “SVO Yellow Star”
Epidendrum porpax 3