I had planned to wait until after The Major Purchase before ordering any more DVDs, but I really want to know how the Divergence Eve saga ends. Then Steven has to go and find another damned four-star series, grrr. So I’ve got an order off for Misaki Chronicles and Shingu now.
I had already added Shingu to the “maybe” list, but I never saw much information about it. As Steven notes, the series received virtually no attention. I did a little browsing last night to see if anyone besides the not-utterly-reliable Chris Beveridge has reviewed it. There was a “B+” review of the first disc at Anime News Network, and that’s all I found at a half-dozen review sites. If Shingu is as good as Steven says it is (and he’s never been wrong on a four-star series), then The Right Stuf did a lousy job of marketing their edition, and reviewers did not do their job at all.

Fledgling Otaku is moving house, from Texas to Wisconsin. The Google maps route passes near Wichita. I doubt that he’ll have time to stop, but if he takes that route, he can imagine me waving as he drives by.
Discovered while looking at my site statistics:
Avatar, a frequent commenter in this corner of the otakusphere, has his own weblog now, The Ego’s Nest. There’s also a nikonian’s blog, featuring photography and anime as well as current events in Bangladesh. Finally, there’s StarShipSofa, with podcasts on science fiction writers. Search string of the week: “pachelbel dog the bounty hunter.”
A couple of occidental movies might be worth trips to the cinema: Ratatouille and Surf’s Up.
Update: Here’s another review of Surf’s Up.
acually i think we will head east to nawlins’ and then straight north. id have totally stopped by to say hello though if we were heading through your neck of the woods 🙂
acually i think we will head east to nawlins’ and then straight north. id have totally stopped by to say hello though if we were heading through your neck of the woods 🙂
Did i read your post right? You are in Wichita?
Did i read your post right? You are in Wichita?
>>Did i read your post right? You are in Wichita?
Hunh. That’s funny.
I’ve lived here (Wichita) my entire life (save 1 1/2 years in Topeka). Work for LSI Corp, 37th & Rock Rd.
I also picked up Divergence/Misaki based on SDB’s review. (And Haibane, Lain, Noir, HMMay, etc). So far, I haven’t been disappointed. Watching Jubei-chan right now. Regards Noir, I also liked Madlax quite well (picked that one up chasing Yuki Kajiura music).