How to enjoy Rocket Girls

A: Pay close attention to every detail. Note the impossibilities, e.g., the helicopter flight in the first episode, and the implausibilities, e.g., damn near everything else. Chuckle at the absurdities.

B: Turn off your critical faculties and enjoy the series for what is: a bit of unpretentious low-budget science-fantasy fluff.


Ultimately, it comes down to whether the engineering fanservice and skintight spacesuits compensate for the ugly computer animation. I enjoyed the show. YMMV.

Update: See also the anonymous Author’s commentary.


Posting will resume when I’m less frazzled by construction, bad weather and bad smells — remodeling and plumbing problems at work, roof destruction and replacement during unstable weather at home. Until then, here’s Yukari and Matsuri from Rocket Girls.



Today’s word: “Waffo!” (Yes, the Right Stuf order arrived in less than a week.)



I’d applaud their industry except that it is Sunday morning and this is the house where I live. (It would have been nice of the landlord to mention ahead of time that the roofers were coming. Grrr.)