Quote of the day

Helen Rittelmeyer:

4. Disregard the haters who denigrate blogging as a medium. Blogging is an amateur’s medium, but there is a lot to be said for amateurs. Bloggers sometimes write about things they know nothing about. Professional journalists often write about things they know nothing about. Academics write about things they know so much about that they no longer have any passion for the subject or any sense of its intrinsic interest, since, for understandable reasons, it is all now very boring to them. So don’t be intimidated by their credentials or put off by your lack of them.

See also her list of books for 2012. I will have to track down Honor Tracy.

5 thoughts on “Quote of the day”

  1. Sorry, “one of the most” was a phrase I began using out of self defense. Making any unqualified statement, any, leads to endless nitpicking (if you have any kind of significant readership at all).

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