Old-time cooking

My vacation last week started disastrously (see below), but once I arrived at my friends’ home it improved markedly. One of the highlights was an impromptu jam session with the young fiddler Roger and a couple of his friends. I just happened to have my little portable recorder at hand.

Different instruments require different micing techniques. Fiddles, I’ve read, sound best with the microphone positioned two or three feet above the fiddle. With banjos, the further from the microphone, the better — in the next room, say, or across the street, or in the next county.

Old Mother Logo:

[audio:http://tancos.net/audio/Old Mother Logo.mp3]

Cluck Old Hen:

[audio:http://tancos.net/audio/Cluck Old Hen.mp3]

Update: Here’s Roger in action at a contra dance: