
(I suppose I ought to say “Irrashaimase,” but I speak English.) This weblog is the successor to beware the kawaii, and I’ll continue to write about anime and related subjects here. When I’m more comfortable with WordPress I’ll play around with the formatting, but for now this theme (“Barthelme”) is satisfactory.

I’ve got the Askimet and Bad Behavior 2 plugins activated. Let’s see if I get any spam comments. (Let’s see if I get any comments.) I would appreciate it if someone would try out the comment process. If there are problems, I’d rather find out sooner than later. If you can’t leave a comment, please write me at tancos at tancos dot net. Thank you.

Update: I am informed that the first theme didn’t work on smaller monitors, so I changed to a narrower one.

14 thoughts on “Welcome”

  1. Looks very nice! It’ll be nice to have only one blog to check for you, too! 😉

    I’m afraid that I still have two active weblogs. The other one’s here.

  2. Looks very nice! It’ll be nice to have only one blog to check for you, too! 😉

    I’m afraid that I still have two active weblogs. The other one’s here.

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