Ghost Hound revealed


In the second episode of Ghost Hound the story finally gets going. There’s a summary of the kidnapping eleven years ago as it is understood by Tarou and the townspeople. He has another dream, this one about the beginning of the events then, and he discovers a eerie realm near the shrine where Miyako lives. We also get a hint about what the title refers to:


The other series I’m watching this fall so far — Miname-ke, Mokke, Moyashimon, Sketchbook — are just lightweight entertainments and nothing more. With Ghost Hound, it looks like there will be a substantial series, after all. It’s still in the expository stages and the shape of the main story isn’t clear yet, but I think it’s going to be worth following. The main problem for me will probably be remembering that Ghost Hound isn’t Lain redux. This may be difficult, because there are significant parallels, from overlapping realities to the visual and sonic distortions.
