Rock and reel

When does a fiddle contest require a referee?

(Translation of the text at YouTube via a friend: “Annual competition in Pembroke which has about 25 fiddlers playing reels in turn without stopping and without playing a reel that has been played before. Towards the end, the fiddler must play only the “A” of a reel (which only lasts 10 seconds). This video shows the final minutes of the contest Sep 5, 2010, while there were only three participants. April Verch, Shane Cook and Danny Perreault. The contest lasted about two hours. Judge: René Dacier. Winner 2010: April Verch. In the end, Danny Perreault played one of his compositions (Breakdown at Rosary) and Germain Leduc accompanies on the piano in a funny way …”)

Meanwhile, this is what goes on at at Clifftop:

From Roger’s notes:

This is the tune that the people in a jam (most notably myself, who came up with the A part; Lucia Thomas, who came up with the B part; and David Roberts, who came up with the name) wrote around 5:00 AM, Friday morning at Clifftop 2014…