A Mammillaria lasiacantha that I started from seed a few years ago opened its first flower this week. It’s a small plant; the flower is about three-eighths of an inch across.
Category: Focus stacks
Pink surprise
I wasn’t expecting much action from my cacti until things warm up again in the spring, but the Turbinicarpus roseiflorus that I started from seed a few years ago popped out a couple of flowers this week. It’s a small plant, slightly over an inch in diameter, exclusive of spines.
Both photos are stacked-focus, the one above compiled from 40 separate images. As usual, click the pictures to see them larger and with better color. Open in a new window for maximum detail.
Pointy things
The Echinofossulocactus (or Stenocactus) seedings I started a couple of years ago are starting to look brainy.
Phalaenopsis Little Gem Stripe
Tolumnia Pink Panther
Prosthechea, Epidendrum
Stapelia flavopurpurea
Started from seed about 18 months ago.
Beer and spots
Some recent pictures.
Phalaenopsis, again
An unnamed Phalaenopsis hybrid. The label says Dtps ________ (Blessed ‘Walnut Valley’ HCC 76 pts x Phal Talsuco Date ‘Max’ HCC 77 pts) BKR/MCT SC1511 Unflasked 09/29/2012 “Dtps” is the abbreviation for “Doritaenopsis,” i.e., a hybrid between Doritis pulcherrima and a Phalaenopsis. However, the genus Doritis has recently been lumped into Phaleanopsis, so the Dtps … Continue reading “Phalaenopsis, again”
An unnamed Phalaenopsis hybrid. The label says
Dtps ________
(Blessed ‘Walnut Valley’ HCC 76 pts
x Phal Talsuco Date ‘Max’ HCC 77 pts)
Unflasked 09/29/2012
“Dtps” is the abbreviation for “Doritaenopsis,” i.e., a hybrid between Doritis pulcherrima and a Phalaenopsis. However, the genus Doritis has recently been lumped into Phaleanopsis, so the Dtps label is obsolete, and this plant is entirely a Phalaenopsis.
To see the three-dimensional images, cross your eyes so that pairs of images overlap, forming three images. Focus on the middle image, and the picture should snap into 3-D.
A “keiki” at the tip of a spent Phalaenopsis equestris bloom spike.
Phalaenopsis and something more
A couple of recent acquisitions. Look closely. I got a little something extra with this one. And yet another view of my Phalaenopsis equestris. Some alien-looking seedlings of Leuchtenbergia principis. This one was composed from 113 separate images. And a Nigella. Update: Now in stereo.
At one month: At one year: