And comment of the week:
When I was in law school I got involved in several long discussions about whether Zombies would count as persons under the 14th Amendment. And to think people called me weird.
(ibid. Via Eve Tushnet.)
Trivia that matter
And comment of the week:
When I was in law school I got involved in several long discussions about whether Zombies would count as persons under the 14th Amendment. And to think people called me weird.
(ibid. Via Eve Tushnet.)
Things I’d like to see:
Dirty Pair TV: This should have been licensed ten or twenty years ago along with the OVAs and the movies, but there isn’t even a fansub currently available for most episodes.
Yasutaka Tsutsui: Salmonella Men on Planet Porno demonstrates that he is at the very least a capable satirist, but almost none of his books have been translated into English. The recent films Paprika and Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo were based on novels by Tsutsui. In the former case, the orginal was probably better.
Divergence Eve and Misaki Chronicles: I’d like to see a remake, with the same script and cast, but without the pointless fanservice, and with better computer graphics. It’s a pity that one of the best science fiction stories in anime looks like porn.
Petitnone: This was a short CD included as a bonus with the third disc of the Japanese edition of Haibane Renmei. If one were to add some of remaining uncollected background music, such as the solo harpsichord in the third and fourth episodes, the resulting disc would be worth releasing in its own right.
Binchou-tan: One of the very few series that deserve good English dubs. This is an excellent show for small children, but most haven’t learned to read subtitles yet.
Kino no Tabi, vol. two and beyond: Evidentally there’s a licensing snafu and the rest of the books may not be released here after all (see Astro’s note on the previous post). This is criminal.
Ribon no Kishi: Besides its historical importance as the first shoujo anime and, if I remember correctly, the first anime series produced in color, the first episode is also quite lively, looks good and promises an interesting story. Yet the first episode is is all I’ve ever found.
Bandai Visual: Hurry up and go bankrupt, please, before you license anything else I want to see.
Vocaloid: Please port this to Macintosh so I can annoy people with Hatsune Miku.
Alfred J. Kwak: The first four episodes were subbed last year, but there haven’t been any more for several months now. This looks like another good show for kid and adults.
The KuriCorder Quartet: Masaki Kurihara composed and performed the music for Azumanga Daioh with his KuriCorder Pops Orchestra. He has released many other recordings in Japan, none of which are available in the west. The music he wrote for Yotsuba&! is as good as that for AD, and I’d like to hear more.
Mojos: I’m not really into plushies, but I wouldn’t mind a couple of Isako’s helpers to sit on top of the monitor. While we’re at it, let’s have a Guchuko plushie for Steven. (Densuke and Oyaji plushies are available in Japan but not here.)
Can’t remember your dative endings? Brush up with The Latin Declension Song.
This week’s quotes:
Want a more polite internet? Bring back dueling!
Kansas is a heroic land well deserving of a mountain or two.
The McDonalds hamburger: death on a bun or balanced meal? (Via Steven.)
1 – Go to wikipedia. Hit “random”.
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.2 – Go to Random quotations:
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.3 – Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.4 – Use photoshop or similar to mix it all up.
I’m not in the mood for deep thought and critical analysis, so here are the annual Kawaii Menace Anime Awards.
Best idiot, male: Isaac Dian, Baccano!
Best idiot, female: Miria Harvent, Baccano!
Least enviable magical (or quasi-magical) ability: Sawaki’s in Moyashimon
Most noble dog: Densuke, Denno Coil
Best spacesuits: Rocket Girls
Best resident deus ex machina: Oh! Edo Rocket
Most accurate botany: Mokke
Worst animated vehicle: Rocket Girls
Best battle: episode four, Denno Coil (Runner-up: episode three, Seirei no Moribito)
Most shameless almost-but-not-quite plagiarism: Oh! Edo Rocket OST
Best opening song: Mayumi Kojima, “Poltergeist,” Ghost Hound
Best ending song: Polysics, “Rocket,” Moyashimon
Best completely extraneous musical number: episode ten, Oh! Edo Rocket
Ugliest musician: episode four, Mononoke
Most popular current series I haven’t the slightest interest in: Clannad
Best fusion of kawaii and kowai: Guchuko, Potemayo
Worst behavior from good kids: Manabi Straight opening
… and others as I think of them. Later. Right now I’m heading back to bed.
“Kids Say the Darndest Things” award: Czeslaw’s request of Ladd, Baccano!
Best show for children and adults: Mokke
Best choreography: Lucky Star opening
Some good news for Steven: it looks like there are plans for a Strike Witches TV series. I’m ambivalent, myself. The eight-minute OVA was perfect in its way (and perfectly absurd); a regular series, even if done well, is going to seem diffuse in comparison.
I’ve got the week off. I’ve been reading Diana Wynne Jones rather than than watching anime, though, so I don’t have much to report. I have noticed that many recent visitors find this weblog through searches involving the terms “gothic,” “lolita,”, “Kei” and “Moyashimon,” which makes me apprehensive about the second half of the series. I suppose Kei does look a bit girlish, but I doubt that he’ll be as charming as Aspergillus. (If I were to tell a young woman that she’s as cute as a fungus, would she understand that I mean it as a compliment? Probably not.)
We have an uncommon event here in Wichita: a white Christmas. That happens maybe once in ten years.
I considered posting a tune from the Sailor Moon Christmas albums today, but I’m not sure that punishing your readership is a good idea. If you would like to hear some less-familiar Christmas carols, there are some MIDIs on my other weblog.
Not anime, but geeky: mathematical needlework; crocheting a Sierpinski triangle; a how-to book, with projects and papers. (The first link may be slow to load.)
The concept of the “lethal radius” (the radius of the circle within which the number of survivors of an event equals the number of fatalities without), useful in discussions of bombs and music technology, is also relevant to perfume science.
3,500 Nutcracker pictures. Gah. I’ve gone through them all, selected the best and cropped and edited them and burned a stack of CDs for the dancers and crew, and I am done, done, done. Life can return to what passes for normal around here. Maybe I can even watch some anime. (The morbidly curious can see a selection of the pictures here.)
Congratuations to Avatar.
What happened to Astro? (Update: he’s back, sorta.)
I probably will add Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann to my “buy” list. I did watch the first two episodes and was not entirely unimpressed. Since this was a Gainax series, though, I decided to wait until it completed its run and see what the final word was before investing any more time in it. By all accounts the show succeeded on every level and is probably one of the best of the year.
I can’t resist posting the Gurren Lagann Jack:
Every time I hear someone say “Ohayo,” I have a strange urge to reply, “Illinois.”
When I lived with my folks, I got stuck every year with taking down the Christmas tree, which by that time was thoroughly dried-out and prickly. It was not much fun. Since then, I have never had the slightest interest in putting up my own tree. However, if I were to decorate a Christmas tree, even though it’s utterly inappropriate, I would like to include a Belldandy angel among the ornaments.
Sooner or later I’m gong to want to upgrade to a more recent version of WordPress. Before I do, however, I want to make sure that I can still post the occasional phrase in Japanese characters and not see “???.” When I upgraded my other weblogs, I lost this capabiity, even though the selected character set is still UTF-8. How can I make the Japanese look the way it’s supposed to?
It looks I’ll have to watch more of ef — a tale of memories. The visual novelties in the first episode were entertaining, but none of the characters seemed particularly interesting. However, several of the more thoughtful writers on anime are impressed with the series, and Author declares it the top pick of the fall, so perhaps I missed something.
I probably am a little too quick to dismiss the shows I sample. There are good reasons for being picky: there’s a lot out there, most of it is of average quality or worse, and I don’t have unlimited time. In general, the sooner I drop a show, the better. The danger is that I’ll dismiss something genuinely good because it doesn’t make a strong first impression. This may well be the case with ef. Shugo Chara might be another instance; I only made it through half of the first episode, but those who like it, like it a lot.
While the fall offerings may be disappointing, overall this has been a decent year for anime. Five series so far are on my “buy” list should they be licensed: Denno Coil, Seirei no Moribito, Oh! Edo Rocket, Baccano! and Mononoke. In comparison, only three from last year made my list (Suzumiya Haruhi, Ouran and Muteki Kanban Musume). I’ll probably add Moyashimon unless the quality drops, though I don’t plan to buy the Aspergillus oryzae plushie.
Update: Jonathan Tappan has been posting pictures from his vacation in Japan.
I haven’t had much time for anime or anything else recently, but I did manage to watch the first disc of Revolutionary Girl Utena. Good grief. I think I’ll watch Cat Soup again; that’s a model of clarity in comparison. I suppose everything will make sense in the end, but seven episodes into Utena, it’s absurdity upon absurdity, combined with swordfights, silliness, pointed chins and a minimal animation budget. Surrealistic though it is, it remains mostly on the right side of the line between silly and stupid, and I am curious to see if the writers do make ultimately something coherent out of the nonsense.
Here are a few odd links. Click at your own risk.
A term I didn’t need to learn.
I didn’t really need to see this. (Found it here.)
This is worth looking at.
I’ve spent my recent lunch hours investigating Second Life. This virtual world may have a lot of potential, but I find it disappointing. It’s fun to learn to fly and customize your avatar, but once you’re past the orientations and in Second Life proper, it turns out that there’s nobody there. ((There are supposedly 40,000 to 50,000 residents logged in when I visit, but they all must be playing hide and seek.)) There’s plenty to look at — elaborate buildings and landscapes, stores full of clothes, hair, skins, eyes, wings, animations, etc. — but wherever I go, I’m almost always quite alone. When I do encounter someone else, he is generally as disinclined to begin a conversation as I am. There are some busy sites with lots of visitors, but I dislike virtual crowds as much as real ones. I have yet to find a congenial spot.
It hasn’t been a complete waste of time. Some real-life musicians stream live performances while their avatars stand on virtual stages, and the music is occasionally quite good and offbeat. When’s the last time you heard virtuoso musical saw? Supposedly some well-known musicians like Suzanne Vega occasionally give virtual concerts, but I have yet to recognize any of the performers listed on the schedules. There have also been some discussions announced that look interesting, but never at times I can attend.
So, is there anime in Second Life? Well, there are Naruto fans, as demonstrated above. Quite a few shops feature clothing, hair, shapes and skins inspired by anime and gothic lolita styles, and there is quite a bit more that’s Japanese. I found one virtual shop devoted entirely to general anime cosplay and another exclusively to Sailor Moon.
(Notice how much of the snapshot above is blurry. It takes a long time to render all the fine detail, and if your computer, video card and connection are not the absolute fastest available, expect to spend a lot of time waiting for your system to catch up with SL.)
So there are anime fans in Second Life — somebody had to make the wares and rent or buy the virtual space for the stores — but finding them is not easy. There are over a hundred anime groups listed, a few with hundreds of members, but they don’t actually do anything. There are no meetings, discussions or events in any that I’ve looked at, and no newsletters. The only anime-related communications I’ve received were announcements of new costumes. In contrast, I receive regular updates from various SL musical and dance organizations.
There are a few haibane around:
If I do continue to visit Second Life, it will be for the music, not anime.
One unexpected pleasure: shopping for clothes. In real life, it’s a pain; the styles don’t appeal and the sizes are never quite right. Clothing your avatar, however, is fun. Penneys might not have much in the way of kimonos, but in the virtual world they’re easy to find. I haven’t yet seen any Abh uniforms, but I did find some other outfits of note. Snapshots below the fold.
I’m not terribly impressed with Ghost Hound — yet, anyway — but I do like the opening song, “Poltergeist,” by Mayumi Kojima. A few days ago I came across something listed as “Ghost Hound OP album.” It turned to be Kojima’s “A Musical Biography 2001-2007,” and it’s not standard J-pop. Most of the songs fall somewhere between novelty jazz and rock, with touches of rockabilly, surf guitar and the top 40 of an earlier era. To be painfully honest, on some of the tunes I enjoy the band and the arrangements more than her singing, but she earns points for an idiosyncratic repertoire. “Poltergeist” is Kojima at the darker, rockier end of her range; here’s something more playful, “???????!,” or “The Last Shot.”
It’s an obvious point, but perhaps worth making anyway. Some series should be marathoned, while others are best appreciated one or two episodes at a time. For most series, of course, it doesn’t much matter. I’ve watched a dozen episodes of Cardcaptor Sakura in one sitting, and also watched one per evening for weeks, and enjoyed it equally both ways. However, something like the Divergence Eve/Misaki Chronicles saga demands to viewed in one or two long sittings (if you can get past the bizarre character designs ((Kei’s and Yuri’s busts are as large as I find attractive; bigger than that just looks grotesque.)) and the mystifying first episode. The series’ creators perhaps expected too much of the casual viewer and the professional reviewer). Don’t put the first disc in your player late in the evening if you need to work the next day. Seirei no Moribito is another to marathon, as is Baccano!. I’ve held off watching the second half of SnM until all of it is available and I have six uninterrupted hours available to spend on it (maybe Thursday, finally).
Lightweight comedies and farces, on the other hand, are best viewed one or two episodes at a time, else they become cloying and the formulae become too obvious. Galaxy Angel A and Z, Animal Yokocho, Kerero Gunsou, Muteki Kanban Musume, Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei, etc., are all best taken in small doses. Also, some of the more thoughtful episodic series benefit from being watched one episode at a time, with time to reflect between viewings. I can’t imagine wanting to marathon Mushishi, for instance, or Kino’s Journey.
A bit of good news via Anime on DVD: Martian Successor Nadesico is being reissued as a “perfect collection.” It’s due out January 1.
Mickey Mouse Feio. (Via Cartoon Brew.)
What exactly is Aria?
Some odds and ends while I download Moyashimon:
I’m not a fan of Star Wars, but this was uncalled for. (Caution: causes severe ear pain. Blame the LLamas for this one.)
Here’s an alternate history story: if MGM had said “yes” to Bob Clampett in 1936, would the Japanese now be fansubbing American animation? (Via Aliens in This World.)
I may be wrong, but as I understand it, the “sei” in “seifuku” is short for “sailor.” I.e., its distinguishing characteristic is the sailor collar. Consequently, I think only one of the outfits in this poll qualifies as a proper seifuku. (Update: I was wrong — see Andrew F.’s comment. Never mind.)
I’ve added Yumedamaya Kidan to my to-investigate list.
The next self-help bestseller: Aerophobics: The Easy Six* Step program to end your exercise addiction. It could be helpful in maintaing a proper otaku lifestyle.
*”’cause let’s face it, twelve steps is WAAAAAAY too many.” —SR
… as a Menger Sponge.
Also: mathematical origami.
Bonus link: More mathematical fun — Context-Free Art.
Here are a couple of New Yorker articles of interest concerning amnesia and music, and life as an Aspie. (The former link via Fred.)