Reimu goes to Caledonia

Here’s “Bad Apple” arranged as a strathspey/reel combination. I made two recordings, the first solo piano, the second strings, ((Solo fiddle would have been better, but none of my virtual violins sounded right.)) piano and bass. The score is here.

Two Bad Apples (piano) (Right-click the titles to download the mp3s.)

Two Bad Apples (strings)


Memo to the Brickmuppet: Non-existent tornadoes are rarely dangerous. Lost sleep because of faulty sirens is a greater concern. Also, what the hell is a “vibrant and rewarding social life”? The words don’t go together.

Hybrid vigor

While there are plenty of Vocaloid cover versions of popular songs, examples of live human vocalists covering songs originally “performed” by software singers are less common. They do exist, though, and Wagakki Band‘s first album consists entirely of Vocaloid songs. Even without the novelty repertoire, the group is noteworthy for their lively combination of traditional Japanese instruments and hard rock. I’m curious to hear their second album, which features their own material.

I think this is the original, with Hatsune Miku.

If you’d like to play along, there are plenty of arrangements here.

(Via Vocaloidism.)

Continue reading “Hybrid vigor”

Gensokyo inverted

Minor and major

Touhou melodies generally are in minor modes. However, if you invert them — e.g., where the original goes up a major second, the transformed melody goes down a major second — you frequently get bright, cheerful major key tunes. I combined several inverted themes and made a piano rag out of them. Here is the “Gensokyo Rag.”

Touhou music aficionados might find it interesting to identify the original tunes. The excerpts from “U.N. Owen” should be easy to spot, but the others may be more challenging. Standing on your head might help.

You can download it here.

Update: The sources of the tunes I used are identified below the fold.

The score is up at my MuseScore page.

Continue reading “Gensokyo inverted”

Notes, briefly noted

Recent editions of the free notation software MuseScore have the ability to import MIDI files. This means, in principle, that I can export pieces I’ve written in Logic to MuseScore and put them online for anyone silly enough to want to play them. It’s a bit fiddly, but it does work with a little fussing, and I’ve launched a page at MuseScore for my sheet music. There are only a couple of pieces there so far, but there will eventually be more. Whether anyone finds them worth playing remains to be seen.

Count twelve

Nuclear fusion

Here are the first two measures of “Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom — Nuclear Fusion,” from the Touhou Game Subterranean Animism, as arranged by Dorian Bluet. The notes in the treble clef include C, G, G-flat, D, A, A-flat, E, F, D-flat and B. In the bass clef there are E-flat and B-flat. ZUN might not be a rigorous old-fashioned avant-garde dodecaphonist, but there are surprises in his music.

Continue reading “Count twelve”

Was it Ulick Norman?

Flandre Scarlet

Most versions of “U.N. Owen Was Her?,” whether they be rock, techno, frenetic piano, accordion or whatever, tend to be frenzied, heavy and ominous. I took a different approach with ZUN’s tune.

It’s my computer playing, as usual, though I think this arrangement is simple enough that even I could manage it. I’m not entirely happy with it and I may revisit it someday.

The connection between Ulick and Una Owen and Flandre Scarlet is rather tenuous.

Update (July 16): I revised the arrangement and uploaded a new recording. I’m still not satisfied with it, but I’ve tinkered with it long enough.

You can see and download the score here. The mp3 is here.

Flandre Scarlet

Status report

I’m in the middle of several projects right now, plus it looks like the rains are pausing long enough to allow a bit of gardening. Consequently, I will continue to be scarce here, and what I do post will likely be inconsequential.

Here’s a preview of one of the projects. Those who know their Touhou might recognize the tune.

A hundred years of mahou shoujo

One of the characteristics of Touhou music is that you almost never find a “V” chord or a “V-i” cadence. I.e., if a passage is in D# minor, there probably won’t be a A# chord. Chord roots move by seconds or thirds, rather than fourths or fifths. This gives the music an unmoored, floating sound. Tunes often don’t actually seem to go anywhere, no matter how fast and furious they are or how often they modulate. This works well for game music, where a tune might be endlessly repeated, but it can get tiresome to those who like their music to progress to destinations. In other words, ZUN is not much like Mozart or Beethoven. ((The only discussion of Touhou harmony I could find with a quick search is here. Should you be a musicologist with excess spare time, there’s a project for you.))

I was curious how a Touhou piece would sound reharmonized in a more western manner. Here is an arrangement of “The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls.”

Update: I’ve uploaded the score to MuseScore.

Compare that with the version that was my starting point, DMBN’s “easy” arrangement of the tune.

You can download DMBN’s score here if you want to follow along.

As usual, the performer is my computer. I’m not entirely happy with my arrangement, and I might revisit it sometime.

Update: Uploaded better-sounding recording.

Welcome to Gensokyo

Reimu Hakurei

Eternal Shrine Maiden” is the theme of the first level of the first Touhou game, Highly Responsive to Prayer. ((You can tell it’s Touhou by the obsessive 3+3+2 rhythms, i.e., dotted quarter, dotted quarter, quarter note. The notation component in Logic annoyingly assumes that every dotted quarter must be immediately followed by an eighth note. Apparently the coders have never played a snappy strathspey or a Touhou tune.)) Like most of ZUN’s tunes, there are innumerable versions on Youtube of widely varying degrees of listenability. For no good reason, I made my own. As usual, the performance is by my computer, though I think this arrangement is playable by any pianist with passable thirds and a reliable sense of rhythm.

Update: I uploaded the score to MuseScore.